Deborah Evans Price is a trailblazer in the world of entertainment having worked 40 years and counting as a journalist in the industry. She captures the artists and their stories with depth and insight. From her early days as a music journalist to her acclaimed book, “Country Faith,” she’s witnessed the evolution of country music. A beacon of inspiration for those seeking to follow their passions, at any age, she embodies the essence of squeezing the day, embracing every opportunity, and overcoming health challenges to leave a lasting impact.
You are a well-respected journalist and the list of people that you have interviewed in the entertainment industry is so vast. How did you get started?
Really, it goes all the way back to middle school. I was one of those kids that was always on the newspaper staff; I was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper in high school and I was on the college paper. I just am fascinated by people and have been since I was a child. I just love asking people where they’re from, and what they do, and so that just parlayed into wanting to become a journalist.
In this podcast, Evans Price talks about being overly ambitious at a young age. Learn about the role a high school guidance counselor played in her formative years when as an “Army brat” she lived all over the world attending four high schools in four years.
Setting her sights on LA, Nashville, or New York, she recalls what brought her to Music City after college at LSU, and, ultimately, her dream job. She credits a member of the White House Press Corps who visited one of her classes for sparking her interest in journalism.
Will you share some pivotal moments or experiences in your career that have shaped who you are today?
When I think back about the things that were a big break at the time, I moved up here and worked for a magazine called “Radio & Records” and I was happy to get my foot in the door. That was my first job on Music Row.
In the podcast, she shares several stories including chance connections with music industry executives and journalists early in her career.
As someone who’s interviewed numerous influential figures in the entertainment industry, what are some common traits or characteristics you’ve observed among those successful artists?
I think the number one [characteristic] is a strong work ethic. People that work hard and that are not afraid to go above and beyond what’s expected of them — whether that’s as an artist, as another journalist, or anybody in any field — I think you just have to really over-deliver. Also, just genuine passion for what you’re doing… So, to me, the people that win, in every area of life are the ones that are kind and compassionate and just truly love people and try to lift up others around them. I know that sounds kind of sappy to say, but I think that’s so true.
In this conversation, we are treated to countless stories and examples of her passion for storytelling and people. The list of those she has interviewed is impressive (not that she seeks to impress – she’s just doing her job and living her life’s passion.)
Don’t miss the story behind the text Dennis Quaid sent to her when her mother passed away or other notable references ranging from Dolly Parton, Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Kenny Rogers and Brad Paisley to Andrea Bocelli, Rita Moreno, Valerie Bertinelli, Rita Wilson and Kristin Chenoweth to Paula Deen, and Emeril Lagasse.
Over the several decades you’ve worked in the business, what do you believe are some of the most significant changes the genre has undergone — both musically and culturally?
Probably the most significant change is just the diversity. And I think, you know, having moved here in the 80s, there was … the pop-ish country — the cosmopolitan sound versus the more traditional rootsy sound which Randy Travis ushered back in. People always talk about the pendulum swinging back and forth in the music industry. It’ll be really traditional, and it’ll lean more pop and rock, and then it kind of swings back. Randy is credited with the revival in traditional country music
She talks about Randy Travis and their history before his first recording contract. Her knack for building relationships underscores the success she has had in her now legendary 40-year career as a journalist. At our request – she expands on her current workload listing many media outlets as well as some of the celebrities she has written about. That list (which was off the top of her head) reads like a Who’s Who of the entertainment industry.
What advice do you have for individuals over the age of 50 who are either seeking to reinvent themselves or pursue new passions later in life?
Do it. Just do it… The women that I’ve interviewed recently for “Woman’s World” or “First” — they’re like picking up a paintbrush again, something they haven’t done in a long time. They’re writing a book, something that they didn’t think they had time to. to do. The overwhelming thing I hear all the time is “it’s never too late to do something that you’re passionate about, something that you want to do.” And one of the things — I don’t know exactly how old he was — but Colonel Sanders didn’t start his chicken empire until later in life. You know, I mean, people, you can accomplish anything at any age, and if you try it at a more advanced age, all that wisdom and experience and passion… It’s just so valuable.
In addition, to sharing advice and stress management tips for older adults – some of which she practices and others she candidly shares she should — she also offers advice for aspiring writers or journalists and tips her hand about a book she is currently writing with Dionne Warwick.
Deborah Evans Price is a bundle of energy wrapped in a countenance as warm as sunshine. Listen to this Squeeze the Day podcast to learn about the diverse people, places, and topics that have shaped her life. Accompanied by her can-do attitude and business moxie, we learn why she is well-suited for a career that might have others starstruck.

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