Please complete the volunteer inquiry form and a FiftyForward team member will be in contact soon. If you have any questions, or trouble completing the form please call 615-743-3424.

AmeriCorps Seniors


FRESH Volunteer Inquiry 2022
Are you a veteran?
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact
STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY I commit to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which I am exposed while serving as a volunteer, whether this information involves staff, volunteer, member, or other person involved in overall agency business. I understand that violation of confidentiality will result in immediate dismissal from my volunteer assignment. PHOTOGRAPH AND NAME RELEASE I also give my consent to FiftyForward to publish the photographs taken of me and my name for use in printed publication, social media and the website. I acknowledge that since my participation in media produced by FiftyForward is voluntary, I will receive no financial compensation. I further agree that my participation in any publication and website produced by FiftyForward confers upon me no rights of ownership whatsoever. I release FiftyForward, its contractors and its employees from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation.