Transportation is a concern for many older adults. They often need help from caregivers or other family members or friends for routine tasks that most of us take for granted like groceries or appointments. Senior Ride Nashville offers solutions.
According to the 2022 State Aging Profile by the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability, of the 131,323 older adults living in Davidson County, there are 1,776 Tennesseans 65 years and older without a vehicle.
The burden of finding a ride for older adults often falls on caregivers. But, as those without caregivers, 73 percent are especially concerned about finding transportation if they stop driving, according to a poll from National Aging and Disability Transportation Center.
As Nashville continues to grow, and with limited public transportation options available, Senior Ride Nashville is one of the organizations offering driving alternatives. In our latest edition of FiftyForward Exchange, Senior Ride Nashville Chief Executive Officer Carrie Brumfield expressed the need for volunteer drivers. Launched in 2017, Senior Ride Nashville is a nonprofit that enriches the lives of older adults by keeping them connected to the community with affordable, assisted, volunteer-based transportation. “Access to transportation is a top need for so many in our community, especially older adults. And we know that population is growing rapidly, so we have a lot of work to do as a community to rally behind this need,” Brumfield said.
Senior Ride Nashville has three main destinations for riders: doctors’ appointments, grocery stores, and community centers, including FiftyForward. “We will take our riders anywhere they want to go in Davidson County,” Brumfield said. In the video interview, Brumfield also praised the impact FiftyForward has had on Senior Ride. “FiftyForward has been an incredible partner to the Senior Ride Nashville program since we launched. You all have helped us recruit volunteers as well as inform riders,” Brumfield said. “We know that the programming that you are offering to our riders helps them stay more connected, more mobile, and live healthier lives. It is a wonderful partnership.”
In addition, she stressed the need volunteer drivers and described how it’s a great way to meet a new friend and impact your community. “We are in great need of volunteer drivers,” Brumfield said. “We enroll riders based on what our capacity will allow. From time to time, we have to cap our ridership entry.” If you want to volunteer to be a driver, visit https://www.seniorridenashville.org/. If you are an older adult who needs a ride, call Senior Ride Nashville at 615-610-4040 or visit https://www.seniorridenashville.org/.