Podcasts are all the rage and wonderful communications tools. However, we have learned that not everyone understands how to access them, and we are all acutely aware that it’s important to stretch and learn to navigate new things along life’s highway.
Remember any time you are using your device (phone, iPad, iPad, tablet, computer) remotely to access the internet you are using data. You don’t necessarily need a wireless connection, you just need a connection to the internet to access podcasts. Several of our friends and family have shared with us that they like to listen to podcasts while on the road and away from home. That is doable. Just remember, if you don’t have unlimited data (think minutes on your phone plan) or the desire to use minutes to listen to podcasts you can download the program to your device while still on wireless. Then, you can listen to the program at your convenience without using minutes (think of this like a library). This puts you in control, and when you are done with the podcast you can easily delete it from your device.

Consider this list of FAQs a little helpful tool to guide you along the way.
- What is a podcast? They are basically like a radio show that you access through the internet.
- Do I need to have access to the internet or a wireless signal? Yes, to either access, listen to, or download them you need an internet connection.
- How can I access them? When you are connected to the internet (stream them from a website – IE. www.fiftyforward.org/podcast) or you can download them to your device. Here is some information from SerialPodcast.org, we found helpful.
- On Apple devices (iPhone and iPads) the podcast platform may come already installed on newer devices (or you can download it from the App Store) to listen to the podcast any time when you do not have an internet connection. Here’s a link that may prove helpful. https://tinyurl.com/8pke3h36
- For Androids and other tablets visit the Google Play store and try Google Podcasts, RadioPublic, or Stitcher. In Google Podcast, search for your preferred podcast and click “subscribe.” In RadioPublic, click “follow.” In Stitcher, click the plus sign which will add the podcast to your favorites list.
- Should I subscribe to a podcast and will they take up space on my phone? Podcasts do not take up space if you just play hit play to listen to an episode unless you are subscribed to the show (in which case it would have been downloaded when it was released to you/your device). When you just play an episode you are “streaming it,” so it does not take up download space. And, if you do download it, you can always listen to the podcast and delete it after listening. In addition, you can turn off the setting that automatically downloads new episodes that you are subscribed to if you want to save space. You can also set it automatically to delete episodes after you listen to the episode that was automatically downloaded.
- Is this a smart way to use your smartphone? Absolutely, yes. Podcasts are a good way to stay informed or be entertained. There are podcasts on countless themes and topics.
So, let’s get started … a whole new world awaits! Our Squeeze the Day podcast features inspiring stories of older adults. Subscribe to it to stay up to date on all we are doing. Ranging from our friends and neighbors to celebrities and athletes who are willing to share their words of wisdom and life experiences, Squeeze the Day is a podcast sure to inspire you and warm your heart.